This is my personal research library. Of course I use the internet too, but the majority of the information I use in my posts comes from these books. I doesn't matter if it is rare fruits, bamboo, or orchids. 90% of the time I can ID it and find the info I need right here. Some of the books I bought, some were gifts, some were found! All I can say is, I love to read!

This picture is the full collection of non-fiction/reference mostly gardening, but there are also books about birds, butterflies, bugs, etc as you can see. Do you have any of these? Let me know.

My rare fruit bibles! I use 'Fruits of Warm Climates' extensively. If you search the internet for info on tropical fruits. Every web-site you'll find uses this book usually word for word, with-out giving J. Morton credit I might add! and 'Five Decades with Tropical Fruit' is loaded with info as well. I love this book but it wasn't organized very well, but it is chock full of information on some real rare fruits.

These are all first editions 'Garden Islands Of The Great East'(1943), The World Was My Garden'(1938) and 'The World Grows Round My Door'(1947) all by
David Fairchild. They are my pride and joy. My Mom got me 'The World Grows Round My Door' for my birthday back in 2005, my Mom is so sweet! I hunted the other two down on the internet and paid a pretty penny, I might add. They are all tales of a plant hunter, as he worked for the
US Department of Agriculture. They are interesting as hell, at least to a plant nerd like me.
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden was named after him and some of the plants he collected are still growing there and at his home the
'Kampong'. Not to mention all the plants growing around Florida and elsewhere that were propagated from those plants. Fairchild was responsible for the introduction of more than 200,000 exotic plants. He was truly a pioneer of the plant world!

My Research Library by
Eric Bronson is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at