This should be right up your alley Kortney! I told you I have some good things in store for you! My Neostylis "Lou Sneary" has finally bloomed! I think I've had it for three or four years now and this is the first time it's bloomed. Yes, I'm a terrible grower! Hopefully it will bloom every year now. Also, there isn't a fragrance yet either? I wonder why? I would expect this orchid to be a highly fragrant as both parents in this
intergeneric hybrid are fragrant. Neofinetia falcata is famous for being highly fragrant. I'll go out on a limb and say that Rhynchostylis coelestis is too! I have two other Rhynchostylis species R. gigantea & R. retusa and they both smell heavenly! I will post more photos and an update when it blooms out. Enjoy!

Family: Orchidaceae •
Genus: Neofinetia x Rhynchostylis •
Species: N. falcata x R. coelestis •
Country of Origin: N/A •
Common Names: Neostylis "Lou Sneary"

Neostylis "Lou Sneary" by
Eric Bronson is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at