Jacaranda jasminoides

Family: Bignoniaceae •
Genus: Jacaranda  •
Species: jasminoides •
Country of Origin: Central to South America •
Synonyms: Jacaranda pubescens •
Common Names: Maroon Jacaranda, Caroba-Brava •

This is a small tree that can ultimately reach twenty three to twenty-five feet high with a slightly wider diameter. It has fine-textured, fern-like pinnate leaves that are typical of the Jacaranda genus. Flowers are borne on apical panicles and are a deep purple color. The tree covers itself with the showy trumpet shaped flowers and puts on quite a breathtaking floral display. Its deep purple clusters of trumpet shaped blossoms appear in the spring, later falling to the earth carpeting the ground with a mass of color. It is said that if you are walking underneath the Jacaranda tree and one of the trumpet blossoms falls on your head you will be favored by fortune. Margaret Barwick describes this tree in her book Tropical and Subtropical Trees as being precocious and she is absolutely right. I planted this small seedling in 2008 in honor of my Mothers birthday. I was delighted to see it was blooming just in time for her birthday this year and she was tickled pink. I am hoping that it will bloom every year at this time what an amazing bonus that blooming coincides with her birthday and Mothers Day each year!

Barwick, M. (2004). Tropical & subtropical trees. Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Cirnaru, C. (2010). Jacaranda jasminoides. Retrieved from http://www.ntbg.org/plants                                /plant_details.php?plantid=6618

Creative Commons License
Jacaranda Jasminoides by Eric Bronson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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