Stress Relief - Working Mommy Wednesday

This week and last, have been particularly busy at work.  It's one of those times that makes me re-read my "note to self" :)  As a working mom, it's important to not let the stress of work invade the peace of our home.  A few of the ways I de-stress:

Are you having a LAUGH?

Our three kids certainly provide comic relief at times.  For some good laughs, I also turn to my favorite British comedy series, Keeping Up Appearances.  Even though I've seen most of the episodes, I still get quite a laugh out of Hyacinth Bucket (that's Bouquet) and her candlelight suppers!


Whether its trying a new recipe in the kitchen, painting a trash to treasure find, creating a new dining room table centerpiece or arranging fresh flowers, getting the creative juices flowing is a big stress reliever for me.  I love being creative and find great joy in bringing touches of beauty to our home.  Taking the time to engage in creative pursuits calms my spirit and actually helps me to focus on less desirable homecaring tasks.  When I've given myself time for something enjoyable, it much easier to conquer the mountain of laundry waiting to be put away!

Watching my GARDEN grow

I still have a lot to learn about gardening.  But my small, fledgling attempts at a square foot garden this year has provided an enjoyable outlet - and a few veggies! 


Even on the worst of days, taking time to reflect on all that I have to be grateful for can help put me in a better state of mind.

Hyacinth Bucket Image Credit