Try It Tuesday - Pipecleaner Flowers

Try it Tuesday
13 July 2010

As you know, 'Try it Tuesdays' are all about those creative bods willing to share their talent and inspire us.

To celebrate the 'sisterhood' this week and, to continue on with the 'flowers' theme as we lead into our next Workshop 'Field fo Flowers' - what would a Try it Tuesday tutorial be without visiting the icon, the queen of craft - Martha Stewart.

Now I can't take the credit for finding this tutorial, that goes to our friend Jen Hall who after spending a weekend away scrapping came home and made Lisa and Lizzie the most gorgeous cocktail rings... oooohh we likey.....

Introducing my new Cocktail Ring.....

(Yes it is true... do not give up my day job to become a hand model... come on seriously ... one handed photography, I have trouble getting a good photo with both hands on the camera and, the fact that I can't do anything creative when my nails are long and shaped and beautiful... these are my 'worker woman' hands ....Lizzie x)

Now let's get back on track....

Here is the link to the Martha Stewart tutorial on how to make these pretty flowers.

I watched the video link to see how the remarkable Wendy Baner did her stuff with the pipecleaners... and I am thinking these would be great on the Mum's Day Stall at school next year as a ring or made into a corsage .... they really are so easy... maybe even a great craft to do with your kids... DD and I are going to give them ago... me sees these being a hit at the next sleepover party!

Hope you enjoy!
