Try it Tuesday - A Rose By Any Other Name

Try it Tuesday
20 July 2010

As you know, 'Try it Tuesdays' are all about those creative bods willing to share their talent and inspire us.

To celebrate the 'sisterhood' this week and, yep you guessed it to continue on with the 'flowers' theme as we lead into our next Workshop - 'Field of Flowers' - Miss Lisa has been busy experimenting.

Spiral Flowers

I am sure by now most of you have had a go at the favourite spiral flower - yep maybe a bit 'done to death' by now, but I just love the simplicity of them and can't get enough.  My first introduction to them was with this great, but simple tutorial by Kenner Road (check out their blog is has some other great stuff).

In my Blog stalking (as you do) I came across some great examples and convinced or should I say 'challenged' Miss Lisa to see how many flowers it would take to cover a styro ball  (I think the count ended up being around 50) and make us a 'prop' to jazz up our registration table at the 'Field of Flowers' Workshop... check out her efforts

It is great to think you can make so many flowers to adorn just about anything these days... from headbands and clips for out littlies, to corsages for our winter coats, or to jazz up a tired looking handbag!  My all time favourite is to be able to quickly make any number of handmade flowers as a co-ordinating embellee to add to my latest scrapbooking  layout or on a card I am sending to a friend....

So if you want to learn now make a variety of flowers to expand your repertoire then you need to come along to our next Workshop 'Field of Flowers' on the 29 August 2010 here in Newcastle  ... but hurry we are nearly at maximum numbers and we wouldn't want you to miss out.

Here is our sneaky peeky... definitely not the finished sample, we need to keep you intrigued... but lets say what we do with zippers, wet cardstock, fabric, paper napkins, cupcake wrappers and felt will have you reaching for your stash to make your next embellee!