Try it Tuesday - Social Circle Cards

                                                       Try it Tuesday
  27 July 2010

As you know, 'Try it Tuesdays' are all about those creative bods willing to share their talent and inspire us.

To celebrate the 'sisterhood' this week I wanted to share a recent purchase we made on Etsy.  Now Etsy is one of our most favourite places to shop ever!  We love the handmade items, the unusual supplies, sometimes it is just the inspiration that comes from browsing...... yep we likey lots!!!

We had been looking to have some business cards printed and, well we didn't just want to go with the 'same old... same old'. 

We were lucky enough to  stumble across this absolutely fabulous gal,  Amanda from the USA who owns a great Etsy Store called Social Circle Cards.  Amanda was very patient with my demands (at no extra cost) and well, she worked her magic  with our logo and this is the result. 

These gorgeous cards come in a groovy little tin with a ribbon and key clasp so you can hang them on your handbag... they look so cute, but are just so practical.  What we loved was the  flower shape - so like the Embellee logo.  They come printed on double sided quality cardstock and the text is easy to read.

Amanda does a lot of these for gifts for new mums, so when they go 'calling' and make new friends at playgroup, school, etc. it is really easy to hand over a cute little card instead of scrambling in your bag for a pen and paper and then (if you are like Lizzie) loosing the info you just wrote down before getting home. 

These would make the nicest and, oh so different gift.  So girls what a great idea for that next baby shower gift or maybe, for a 'mummy present' when they start daycare or school... the list is endless!

For now ... we can't wait to handout our very gorgeous social circle cards... so much nicer than the 'run of the mill' business cards, don't you agree?