Curls, Curls, Curls

Over the weekend, I decided to try something new with my hair.  I picked up a pack of flexi-rods (flexible curling rods) at Target and did a wet set (rods set on wet hair) Saturday night.  The result...curls....LOTS of curls!  My hair is already short (chin length), but the curls make it look even moreso.  There was a time when I probably would have shrieked in horror and immediately washed them out.  I've always wanted my hair to have some length. 

BUT...I think I like it! 
Even if it does make me look like pictures of my Mom from the 50s.
Who knew we looked so much alike! 

 Dave likes it.  He said it made me look like a 50s pin-up!  Ashleigh wants me to curl her already curly hair.  Reed loves touching the rods when they are in my hair.  And Clayton, well he just wants to know if Christmas is 2 days away.  When I tell him it is not, he then asks if its 3 days away!  My coworkers have also complimented my new, curlier hairstyle.   

So, I think I'll keep the curls for the time being.  Maybe even experiment with different sizes of rods.  After all, three of the coolest people I know have curls!