Try It Tuesday - Cupcake Pom Pom Tutorial

Try it Tuesday

21 September 2010

As you know, 'Try it Tuesdays' are all about those creative bods willing to share their talent and inspire us.

To celebrate the 'sisterhood' this week I wanted to share a great tutorial I found making gorgeous 'pom poms' with cupcake liners.

Now anyone who knows me - will tell you I have a serious addiction to all things 'cupcake'.  Yes, it is true I 'blog surf' just to find things to do with cupcake liners (well I have to justify buying so many cute ones on Etsy). 

Well this is my latest must have link from the very creative ladies at 'How Does She' and guest 'blog poster'  Heidi:

I know a lot of you have been doing the 'napkin and tissue paper' versions of pom-poms, but trust me these are just as cute and sturdier in shape.  What a great way to use the left-over cupcake liners sitting in your pantry or maybe co-ordinate your cupcakes and decorations for the next party. 

I can see a holiday craft project for my 8 year old next week - now to find some silver and purple cupcake liners to have them ready for Christmas .... does this mean another excuse to buy more from Etsy?
I think so!

Here's to a good week!
