More Workshop Updates - What is Old is New Again!

I have finally found time this week to start to catch up and so wanted to share more updates from our most recent Workshop - 'What is Old is New Again'.  So let's take a look at what our day was like .... so many great moments and so many great 'creations'.....

Workshop Kits

For those that have attended an Embellees Workshop our favourite feedback has been about our Kits and the packaging. 

All our participants get so excited to arrive and see a different package of goodies awaiting them on the registration table. 

For this Workshop we wanted to honour the theme and when we were creating our 'theme'  - Lizzie kept going back to that beautiful lyric 'brown paper packages tied up with string... these are a few of my favourite things'... inspiration hit and this is what we presented... simple but fitted so nicely....

Name Tags

Like our Kit packaging, we also love to try and theme our name tags for each Workshop.  Many of our participants have told us they have used their Workshop name tags at other events because they are always so unusual and beautiful... so thank you ladies for this great feedback.  For this Workshop you will see we have been having a real 'love affair' with the Tim Holtz Birdcage diecut... look at the gorgeous way that Miss Lisa incorporated these into our packaging... they really did look so lovely on everyone!

The Tea Party
 Lizzie had an image that no one could get her to let go of ... (Miss Lisa nearly wanted to wring her neck a couple of times ..hehehehe). She wanted a 'tea party' setup to showcase all the stash for the Workshop Participants to have access to... well it came to fruition and here is what our Participants were presented with on the day... thank you to everyone who commented on how lovely this was and how excited to see the details we had gone to...

Beautiful tea cups filled with goodies to share

You have gotta just luv Miss Lisa's ribbon stash - she has several of these great vases in her studio just filled with all of this gorgeousnessssss!

Denim pockets to share, paint to get messy with, fabric to cut up, gather, diecut ... so many choices!!!
More buttons in little glass jars, a cupcake stand with you guessed it - our trade mark cupcake wrappers ... mmm so many options for these... lots of flowers that got repurposed with embossing, stamping... eyelets and frames (go on admit you still have these in your stash!)... brads made an appearance and lots of metal embellishments... the list goes on!

Some Fun to Share

As part of our Workshop we organised a 'Scavenger Hunt'.  All our participants were sent a list of items to source from their stash... we wanted people to feel good about using stuff they 'already' had and see it finally on a page ... yes we are all guilty of buying that 'special something' and years later ... yes I said years... it is still too precious to use on a layout... they say 'keep it long enough and it will become fashionable again'... so check out the fun we had with some gorgeous prizes we awarded to our participants and their stash...

Our gorgeous Cassie 'the Stampin Up Queen' won the prize for the best Button Stash - you got to give her credit for carrying along her 'gold fish bowl' full of buttons... that was dedication and it sure made us all laugh - thank you Cassie and Congrats again!

The very lovely Annette took out another one of our prizes for the 'brad stash'... a whole bag of these and so many different varieties... 'you can never have tooo many brads or joes, or sams or peters' ... I say!

Some of our other lovely winners on the day were:

  • Brenda for her 'doona bag' of ribbons... yep you know one of those big plastic carry bags you get when you buy your winter doona... it was full of reels and ribbon of all sorts... made Miss Lisa's vase collection pale in comparison!
  • Kerry S for her win in the category of most coveted piece of patterned paper.  Kerry pulls out the whole collection of a brand of paper she had been keeping for just that special layout... we all shook our heads ... yes we could admit to the same beautiful pieces still languishing in our paper stash... ah, but this is where she pulled out the Ace... she admitted to making her hubby travel to some small country scrapbooking store in the 'downtown' English (yes I did say England) countryside... yep she not only had it in her collection, but we had to give it to her for the 'international' factor... that is dedication - bring it home in a suitcase and through customs... thank you for 'outing your story' Kerry it made us all laugh!