Gift Ideas to Share

I love being able to share my love of craft with 'non-crafting' family and friends.  I especially love it when you know they appreciate the time and effort you have gone to. 

As my gorgeous niece now has two 'kidlets' of her own and is not likely to take up 'scrapping', I decided that I would start a new family tradition and complete a scrapbook page of her 'bubbas' each month so that when her birthday rolled around I had a completed album. 

As it was her birthday this weekend,
I presented her with the first of her albums with the pages I had completed (well nearly all my own pages - Miss Lisa had a hand in some as we often used the pics I had on hand as Workshop samples).

I had searched for ages to find a nice cloth album, but nothing jumped out at me.  So I decided to stick with a very 'plain jane' and 'fancy' it up... I just love how this came up and thought I would share this with you.  I will now continue to scrap the beautiful photos my friend Jen Hall from Generations Photography did of my great- niece Reshani and complete this first baby album - and get started on the blue version (I am a bit of a traditionalist) for out newest 'little prince' Brendan John.  As Mr Brendan's is a Chrissy present, I can't show how lovely the 'blue' version has turned out... especially with the felt characters, but will upload this in a new post once we have done our pressie's... so stay tuned... so excited as it is a real challenge to do boy stuff after so much girlie-girl....

Hope you enjoy......