A Very Beary Christmas

There is so much happening with Christmas this year and it has kept me (Lizzie) busy and not dwelling on the fact that my beautiful Mum will not be here this year with us ... but I thought I would share this with you all as it made me smile and I hope it will also bring a smile to your face!

As I was taking photos of the gorgeous garlands I had made for the 12 Days of Christmas over at Scrapbook Divas - early morning, still in PJs (noice not), bed hair and a knock came at the door... oh no (yep I can all feel you cringing with me).

At the door was the courier man (he must see it all - 'cause he didn't seem to notice my very glamorous look)... in his hand was my annual Christmas present from my very dear friend Kirsty who lives in London.

Many years ago, Kirsty started a tradition of sending me the Harrods Christmas Bear, they are just so beautiful and not at all like the Department Store ones we see here in OZ.  This tradition now sees us with a collection o 16 bears at last count.  Kirsty knew that Mum loved the bears as much as me, actually she loved them heaps more as Mum collected bears (I have boxes to sort of these in the new year).  Mum would get very excited to see the new addition to our 'family' that arrived from Harrods each year.  Mum and I would check the bear from top to toe as they come beautifully attired ... the outfits are just amazing!

Now comes the part that made me sink in the chair and craddle this Bear like none before....

My beautiful niece, Erasha is Sri Lankin by birth and the Sri Lankin name for Grandmother is Archie.  Last weekend at a family BBQ, it was agreed now that Mum had passed that the title of Archie would now be my sister-in-law's as she has two new grandchildren.  Mum and Fay had discussed this and it seemed just to be the right time now that Miss Rehani (15 months) is starting to talk.

Well ... yes, I am sure you guessed it... the Harrods Bear for Christmas 2010 is named ARCHIE!!

I know that Harrods probably plan this name years before they are released, but to me it was a sign... I had planned to ask Kirsty to end the tradition this year as I wanted the last bear in our collection to be marked with the year Mum died - but to think he is also called Archie really made me think she had a hand in this.....

This gorgeous boy will take pride of place as I 'reinvent' Mum's bedroom into my new sewing space in 2011!

Thank you for letting me share this with you all......
Lizzie xx