So at last the red bananas are ready to eat!!! I ended up with four hands 2 w/twelve fruits, 1 w/ten fruits and 1 w/fourteen giving me a total of 48 bananas. They're organic and super sweet. This is one of my favorite fringe benefits of gardening! It took roughly ninety days from flower to fruit.
This is a medium size banana tree that has fruits with red skin. The inside of the fruit is more orange than yellow. This is considered the best dessert banana in the Caribbean.
this is an excerpt of my original post seen here.
Family: Musaceae •
Genus: Musa •
Species: acuminata (Colla) 1820 •
Country of Origin: Indo-Malaysian region reaching to northern Australia •
Common Names: 'Jamaican Red' •
'Jamaican Red' Banana Harvest by Eric Bronson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at