Sneaky Peaky - Field of Flowers Workshop - 1 August 2010

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who have enquired about our Workshops.  Our 'Let's Get Misting' Workshop is coming up very soon and we are busy assembling the gorgeous kits (show you more of these tomorrow).  But being the creative bods that we are... we are very busy putting the finishing touches on our gorgeous project for the 'Field of Flowers' Workshop that is scheduled for the 1 August, 2010.

Again, the Embellees Team have been working hard behind the scenes to create not only a Workshop, but a whole 'day experience'.

Our Workshops aim to:

  • Offer value for money with our price for this Workshop being $45.00.  This includes all your items to make your project, no extras to purchase on the day.
  • Concentrate on variety and technique, no more just punching out or cutting up paper and sticking down embellishments.
  • Introduce lots of great ideas, tips and tricks from all the 'blog stalking' we do and, the industry led workshop we also attend on a regular basis.
  • Provide a large comfortable venue with lots of room to move around (nothing worse than 'squishing' in to a small cramped workspace)
  • Present you with kits that are not only beautiful to receive (just like a pressie) but include an eclectic mix of products and handmade items... we want you to leave 'thinking outside the square' and stretching your comfort zone... this style of scrapping has 're-energised' us and we want to share that with you.
  • Deliver content by experienced Workshop presenters with business and teaching backgrounds. Lisa has owned her own scrapbooking business and taught a variety of Scrapbooking classes for over 10 years. While Lizzie has been teaching and presenting to classes for over 20 years as a qualified teacher.

Here is a 'sneaky peaky' of our project ......

What else can we tell you?
  • You will get to use Glimmer Mist.
  • Make 10 different flowers - techniques you will get to use 'over & over' again and are suited to so many projects.
  • Complete this beautiful canvas panel and lots more!  We can't show you everything, that would spoil the surprise.  There is so much more to this project and some special extras you will get to complete.... remember this is only a 'sneaky peaky'!!
  • Use lots of different materials - traditional and non-traditional.  Again, that thinking outside the square, using up your stash, stalking places other than Scrapbooking shops for 'bits and pieces'.
  • Oh, and yes, your Kit even includes the lovely easel to hold your project.

Bookings for this Workshop are due to close on 20 July, so we are keen to finalise as many registrations as quickly as possible because the enquiries have been coming in thick and fast. and we would hate you to miss out. 

Our numbers are limited, so if you want to book, please contact us at: