Try it Tuesday - Cupcake Favours

Try it Tuesday

22 June 2010

Now remember 'Try it Tuesdays' are all about those creative bods willing to share their talent and inspire us.

To celebrate the 'sisterhood' this week and to continue to feed your creativity I thought I would share a little project that recently inspired me for my DD's 8th birthday.

Faux Cupcakes

Now as most of our schools and daycares have tightened up and we find we can't take a cake for our little ones (and not so little ones) to share on birthdays, I needed to come up with something a bit inventive aka 'time to start surfing my favourite blogs'. 

While 'surfing' I came across this fabulous 'faux' version of a cupcake... just the thing for my DD to take to school to celebrate her birthday. 

Now I can hear you saying ' Mother of the year award in the making'... not so!  I have to be honest, as much as I loved this inspiration and found myself making these delightful cupcakes, with 5 down and another 21 to go... I decided they would be a nice treat for a few close friends who were celebrating with us (see friends and family, pinky promise I would tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth).

So check out the talented Arlette from Polka Dot Pineapple 
This link will take you to the gorgeous 'faux' cupcake tutorial that was my inspiration!